This site offers you a chance to save days/weeks of looking for scenes to photograph in Provence and ultimately save you time and money while you do what you’re good at ….
Taking the Shot!

We were forced to close due to C19 and are now relaunching the service bigger and better.
Welcome to Provence Photo Tours. To introduce myself just a little: I’ve been visiting and living in the area for many years, have brought up children here, and have taken many people all over Provence.
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I love photography and have explored the area for personal shots and commercial shoot spotting for amateur photographers and professionals.

You will discover during the tour sites that test your photographic eye, landscape scenes that test your lens selections, lighting to blend with your camera’s filters and that typical French’ness to capture on film.
Provence is huge and has taken me years to discover. I can help you make your photographic tour and Southern French experience a successful and memorable photoshoot.
I used to work in international marketing and ran a commercial studio in the UK, so I have lots of experience working with photographers.
Rod Cook